

A widget view controller that specializes in managing a modern widget view.


@interface HSModernWidgetViewController : HSWidgetViewController


Subclass HSModernWidgetViewController to implement the primary view of the widget. It provides default behavior for various widget functionality allowing development to focus on implementing the content. The following functionality is provided:

  • The minimum size is 2x2 and can be expanded to 4x2.
  • By default limited to 1 instance per page.
  • Provides a dynamic way of setting the modern widget title using titleLabel.
  • Provides a convenient way of adding custom content using contentView.

Modern widgets must support content that can fit both 2x2 and 4x2 grid positions.


Adding Widgets

  • +  minimumSize

    Gets the minimum size required to add the widget to page. Defaults to 2x2.

  • +  allowedInstancesPerPage

    Return the number of allowed instances per page so that widget manager can restrict additional instances. Defaults to 1 instance per page.

Initializing A Widget View Controller


  • blurView

    The blur view used for the background.

  • contentView

    Container view in which the content should be added.

  • cornerRadius

    Corner radius of the content and editing view.

  • titleLabel

    Contains the title of the widget.

Calculate Frame

Dynamic Sizing

Related Links

Widget View Controller